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How to write a blog about yourself ( Best Niche Ever )




blog about yourself

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blog about yourself
If you’re stumped for what to write your blog about, have you considered writing a blog about yourself?

The life of a blogger is an enviable one, with flexibility, creativity and the potential for a great income. Experienced bloggers always advise that you should just start writing, but for some of us, hitting the keyboard is not so easy.

If you’re not sure what to base your weblog on and aren’t taking a keyword or niche-based approach, creating a blog about yourself may be a solution that keeps your options for content production and income generation wide open. 

It could also be used on your ‘ About Page ‘ on any websites you build. Which will help you build trust and authority with your readers and Google.

If you are reading this, you’re clearly on the blog I write about myself

I have a busy online life, running a portfolio of online businesses, developing new entrepreneurial ventures and hanging out on YouTube and social media. ( Check out my Discord group )

But writing this blog is really about sharing my journey and the things I have learned as an online entrepreneur.

It’s a work in progress but my hope is that it will become a place where people can get genuine help, advice and resources for moving their affiliate businesses forward.

Passion Posts

It’s a journey that I am proud of and I am pleased to have the opportunity to document and share its ups and downs and there has been many.

So I thought we’d talk about how you write a blog about yourself. I’ll keep things quick, concise and actionable so you can start your blog confidently and productively. 

There are so many reasons for writing a blog about yourself

The reasons for authoring a blog about your life are incredibly diverse. You may want to:

  • Journal your day to day life, especially if you live in an unusual location, or have a life that appeals to a particular cultural group or demographic.
  • Document a life event like a wedding, new baby, retirement, or career change. These types of blogs usually cover the planning for the event, the event itself, and the aftermath.
  • Chronicle an interest or hobby you pursue, including projects that you are undertaking or tutorials for particular skills. This could also lead to an affiliate website in the hobby or past time you love.
  • Establish a personal brand online for professional work that you may use as part of employed or self-employed work that you do. Like an online CV or profile. A blog is an effective way of demonstrating your knowledge and expertise. 

Over 55% of bloggers have started blogging because they want to make money. 


And that’s nothing to be ashamed of, personal blogs with healthy traffic can certainly be adapted to a range of monetization projects and are often more financially successful if you build in the income streams from the outset. 

I think I have made over 20 websites now and can only really class 10-12 as a success.

Blogging is one of the most accessible methods for online business owners with over 31 million bloggers in the US alone.

By writing a blog about yourself you can create a branded platform that can be used to showcase all sorts of products and services, earning income as an affiliate marketer or influencer.

So let’s get to the point with a step by step guide for writing a blog that is all about you

Step one: A little research and planning never go amiss!

Creating a blog about yourself means that it can be as multifaceted as you are. But that doesn’t mean that the train shouldn’t have tracks. Plan to succeed or prepare to fail. 

Over 80% of blogs and websites started up fail within the first 18months. People just give up!


With over 80% of blogs failing within their first 18 months, you are going to need all the help and motivation you can muster up, and being organized will boost your chances of success.

Before you hit the publish button on your “Hello world” post, consider common themes and topics your blog is likely to cover. 

Do keyword research around these themes to get an idea of what people who may find your blog relevant are looking for.

After all, you are writing for them and not yourself. 

Step two: Eponymous domain?

This is a big decision, which warrants an article of its own.

Using your name in your domain is a major personal branding step and should not be undertaken lightly.

Also, if you decide to sell the blog a name domain maybe a little bit more difficult to sell.

However, using your name as a domain can work if, like me, you are seeking to create a hub for your online business activities.

Whatever you opt for your blog will need an address on the web which will be exclusively yours.

You can purchase your domain via a dedicated domain registrar or at the same time as arranging your website’s hosting.

Step three: Secure your website and hosting.

I’m sure you are brimming with blog post ideas, but you are going to need somewhere to stash all that content.

I remember starting out in blogging was a bit daunting because of all the technical steps that come with setting up a website. If you can afford it, you can always hire a web designer to set everything up.

If your blog is 100% DIY, I recommend…

Step four: Check out WordPress.

For bloggers who are not web development and code experts, WordPress is an open-source content management system that is designed with blogging in mind.

Its simplicity and ease of use are renowned with almost 40% of all websites being WordPress!

Setting up a smart WP website is easy with one-click installation available for self-hosted sites or purchase of a domain and hosting of your site with WordPress.com.

WordPress is packed with free and premium website themes that can be customized to fit the style and tone of your blog.

Step five: Create a content plan for your blog.

In the early days, weeks and even months of writing a blog, it’s so easy to become demotivated and lose the all-important momentum needed for your content to rank. 

Creating a content plan will help you to work out what search terms or keywords you are trying to target and your blogging goals for a particular period.

This is simply a table where you can list and outline the posts you are going to author, along with relevant keywords, links, images and other materials needed for publication. 

A good plan can structure your writing, meaning that you will write faster and progress your blog more efficiently.

If you are intending to work with other content creators like graphic designers or web developer, a shared content plan will help keep everyone on track.

Watch my video on Bloggers Burnout. A common trait amoungst new bloggers. They try too hard to rush content out writing day and night and often burnout or get writers block.

If that happens I can highly recommend Conversion.ai a great tool to help you write more content without burning yourself out.

Step six: Schedule your blog posts

If you intend to build up an audience of regular readers, you need to get into the habit of showing up regularly with new posts.

A great feature of WordPress is that you can schedule the publication of pre-written blog content, meaning you can write blogs in bulk and release them one by one over time.

Step seven: Write!

Writing a blog about yourself is going to be more personal and engaging than a company blog, or a more informative review website.

Whether the author is 100% you or you have other writers on board to assist you, sticking to these 6 key points will keep your blog all about you!

  • Branding

Venturing out with a blog that is all about you necessitates the creation of a personal brand. Like Pepsi or BMW, you will need a professional face that is well put together and consistent wherever you are found on the world wide web.

Personal branding is a big topic but at its heart is all about building a positive profile and reputation based on the things you want to be known for.

You can see my brand and logo across all my videos, articles, and website. I even use the same colors on most things. And my tagline ‘ Search for passive Income”

carl broadbent brand

It can include marketing assets like headshots, cartoons, banners, fonts and even catchphrases or colour schemes. 

It may take you time to come up with a brand that works for you and you may find that as your projects progress you may want to alter or shift the positioning of how you want to be represented.

  • Tone

Ideally, you want to keep the voice or tone of your blog authentically you, so that your readers can connect and get to know you over time.

This is not always easy, especially if you are talking about all sorts of topics and have varying types of blog posts.

Think about phrases, taglines or writing styles that will become your trademark and use them often.

For me I am known for two things 1) Drinking tea 2) Corn Broadband a nickname I was given by a YouTuber and good friend of mine Adrian over at Hasta La Vista Boss youtube channel.

  • Length

When you are keeping up SEO and competitor articles your post length can become all about beating the metrics, rather than providing your audience with a digestible piece of writing with key takeaways.

Varying blog length and type will help keep your readers engaged and coming back for more!

  • Privacy 

Early on you need to set boundaries for how much information you are going to share about yourself. This is important for your privacy and security online.

It is always keeping some things to yourself and always considering that what you share will be in the public domain. 

  • Audience

It can be easy to forget about your readers in the frenzy of prolific writing but taking the time to learn about who is reading your blog will help you retain and grow your audience.

Keeping an eye on your website analytic to see who is visiting your blog and where they are from is a start.

You can also catch up with site visitors on your social media channels or start an email subscriber list that will enable you to have more direct contact with your readers.

Step eight: Learn the basics of SEO

I know from experience that it’s the most frustrating and discouraging thing to work away at your blog and come up with nothing after months of hard work.

You can sit and write an epic guide or review only to find that it is nowhere on Google. 

Conversion.ai has help me and lots of other people overcome writers block. You can check it out for Free here.

I don’t want you to make the same mistakes starting that I did so I am going to strongly encourage you to get to grips with the basics of at least on-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

To be found online by users your blog needs to be organized in a way that makes search engines easily understand what it is about and who it is relevant to.

Thankfully, there are loads of basic tools that help you get your blog content organized and optimised so that the search engines can find and rank it more easily in their results.

A great tool for newbie bloggers who are getting used to on-page SEO is SEO Minion.

Take a look at my review of this SEO tool for blogging that sits inside your browser, “What’s up with SEO Minion?”.

Step nine: Share your blog!

Another way of getting your blog posts to a wider audience is to harness the power of social media.

Setting up social media accounts on the leading networks provides you with additional channels for spreading your content far and wide.

Social signals from Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn will help your search engine rankings too. 

Also consider discord a social media platform I had never heard of before my son convinced me to try it. I owe him an ice cream or something as it has proved to be one of the best things I could have done to build a community.

carl broadbent discord group

Step ten: Monetize your personal blog.

I am sure that blogging will provide a lifestyle you’ll love.

But to make blogging a sustainable way of earning your living you will need to be smart about monetizing your website, starting as early as possible so your visitors know what to expect.

With the right strategies and techniques, blogging is capable of generating significant amounts of income online as I explain in my article  “How do bloggers receive their money?”.

Be decisive about whether blogging is just a hobby or a career that will require a more focused and results-driven approach to what you do.

To get a better understanding of what full-time blogging entails, take a look at my video explaining the differences between a hobby blogger and a full-time blogger: 

I think you’re all set from here!

Success in blogging is all about taking that creating first step of starting out and learning along the way.

Thankfully there are so many resources and great information so you don’t make rookie mistakes on your blog. Why not have a read of some of my other posts here at CarlBroadbent.com?

I hope you will find them help full as you establish a profitable blog of your own.

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