side hustle insider - amazon influencer program

Reasons why your Amazon Influencer is DENIED

The Amazon influencer program can be a lucrative side hustle for those looking to make money promoting products on the platform.

However, getting approved for the program can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore the obstacles that applicants face during the initial stages of the application process and how to overcome them.

One of the main roadblocks that applicants face is the submission of their social media accounts for approval. While it is not clear what Amazon is looking for in terms of social media followers and engagement, lack of engagement is often the reason for application denial.

This article will provide tips on how to improve engagement and increase the chances of being accepted into the program.

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Obstacles in the Amazon Influencer Program

The initial application stage and getting approval for the application are the primary obstacles for the Amazon influencer program. The two main reasons for the denial are unclear requirements for social media accounts and submitting poor quality videos for approval.

Social Media Accounts

The initial application stage for the Amazon influencer program is the most significant roadblock. It’s where most people fail to get into the program and give up before they even get started.

The primary reason for denial is a lack of engagement on social media accounts. Although it’s not clear what Amazon is looking for, having a following where you can actively engage in promoting and selling their products is essential.

Potential for sales and growth is what Amazon considers when accepting applicants. Therefore, a massive social media following is not necessary. A brand new channel with a certain number of videos, engagement, and shares can be acceptable.

First Three Videos for Approval

Once your Amazon influencer account is approved, you have a storefront, and you can upload videos and share them with your audience.

However, you cannot make shoppable videos until you submit three videos for approval. These videos are critical to the approval process, and if they are not of good quality or do not feature the type of products Amazon is looking for, you may not get past the approval stage.

Amazon wants videos that make their products stand out and help sell them. The first three videos are especially essential because they show Amazon what you can do and how you can help sell their products.

Amazon’s Preference for TikTok Accounts

TikTok is a social media platform that Amazon sees as a threat in the e-commerce market. Therefore, Amazon is more likely to accept influencers who have a TikTok account because they want to pull them away from TikTok and get them to promote their products on Amazon.

TikTok is a powerful tool for building engagement and potential for growth. Therefore, influencers who have a TikTok account or can create a following through TikTok are more likely to be accepted into the Amazon influencer program.

Growing Your Influencer Business

Amazon is battling against TikTok in the e-commerce market and sees it as a threat. Therefore, having a TikTok account with a following or creating one can increase the chances of being accepted into the program.

Potential for growth and actively engaging in promoting and selling Amazon products are what Amazon looks for in an influencer.

A huge social media following is not necessary. Even a brand new channel with a certain number of videos, engagement, likes, and shares can be acceptable.

The Amazon influencer program community has tips on getting a Tik Tok account approved, even if it is new.

If struggling with either the initial application stage or submitting the first three videos, there is help available. My side hustle insider community can help it’s focused on the Amazon influencer program.

The platform offers a free in-depth course with 46 lessons that teach everything from the initial application stage to growing income to over $5,000 per month.

side hustle insider

Creating Successful Application Content

Producing Your First Three Videos

Submitting three high-quality videos is critical to getting approved for the Amazon influencer program.

These videos should showcase your ability to make products stand out and help sell them. Amazon is looking for videos that are engaging and will appeal to potential customers. It is important to select the right products to feature in your videos.

Amazon prefers products that are unique and stand out from the competition.

Selecting the Right Products

When selecting products to feature in your videos, it is important to choose items that are in demand and have high sales potential.

Amazon wants influencers who can help drive sales and increase revenue. It is also important to choose products that are relevant to your niche or audience.

This will help ensure that your videos are appealing to your followers and potential customers.

By following the tips and best practices outlined in the Amazon influencer community, it is possible to get approved and start earning money quickly.

Support and Resources

Side Hustle Insider Community

The Side Hustle Insider Community is an online platform that aims to help individuals grow their Amazon influencer business.

With a focus on the initial application stage and the first three videos for approval, the community offers tips and tricks to overcome the two main stumbling blocks that people often face.

In-Depth Course for Influencers

The Side Hustle Insider Community also offers a free in-depth course with 46 lessons that cover everything from the initial application stage to growing income to over $5,000 per month.

The course is designed to teach individuals how to apply for the Amazon influencer program and how to grow their business.