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30 Days – 30 Videos YouTube Orbit ( Shocking results )




30-days 30 video youtube challenge

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I recently completed a 30-day YouTube orbit, or the daily upload challenge as some people call it. Where I uploaded a long-form video to my channel every single day.

The goal was to reach a wider audience by creating more content consistently, hoping that the YouTube algorithm would pick up my channel and help it grow quickly.

In this article, we will discuss the results of my experiment, diving into metrics such as subscriber count, revenue, and whether I would recommend others to embark on a similar journey.

Throughout this process, I learned several valuable lessons about YouTube, content creation, and personal growth.

30 Days - 30 Videos YouTube Orbit

I will share my insights, pros and cons, and advice for anyone considering a YouTube orbit in order to grow their channel.

By understanding the challenges and benefits of this undertaking, you can make an informed decision and potentially experience a successful YouTube orbit.

Key Takeaways

  • A 30-day YouTube orbit can help to increase views, watch time, and revenue, but might not guarantee a significant boost in subscribers.
  • Gaining insights into YouTube’s audience and algorithm can help guide future content strategies.
  • Pre-planning content, including thumbnails and publishing schedules, is essential for a successful and stress-free YouTube orbit.

YouTube Orbit Results

View Count Growth

During the 30-day YouTube orbit, there was a noticeable increase in the view count. The channel received 19,700 views, which was 91% up compared to the previous months.

This indicates that the consistent uploading of long-form content was successful in attracting more views to the channel.

Watch Time Increase

Not only did the view count grow, but the watch time also saw a significant increase. There were 1,500 more hours of watch time compared to the usual data, which marked a 151% increase.

This suggests that not only were there more views, but viewers were also engaging with the content for longer periods of time.

Revenue Growth

Revenue is an important factor to consider, and the YouTube orbit proved to be financially beneficial.

The revenue for the month was $194.32, marking a 102% increase compared to previous earnings. This growth in revenue can be attributed to both the increased view count and watch time during the orbit period.

Subscriber Count

Despite the impressive growth in views, watch time, and revenue, the primary goal of growing the subscriber count was not met.

During the 30-day YouTube orbit, the channel only gained 27 subscribers, which was actually 67 down compared to previous periods.

It’s important to analyze this result and understand the factors contributing to this unexpected outcome.

PS: If you’re liking this blog post…. Let me be honest it was written and taken from my Video by Koala.AI. It perfectly captured the content of the video and turned it into this blog post. Amazing! Get FREE credits to test it out for yourself here.

Lessons Learned

Personal Growth

During the 30-day YouTube orbit, i experienced significant personal growth. I gained a better understanding of my capabilities and limits, while my family also gained a new perspective on the commitment and dedication required to grow an online business.

This personal growth proved invaluable in helping the entire process feel more worthwhile.

Technical Skills

The YouTube orbit also gave me the chance to learn new technical skills. I faced challenges such as editing videos on an airplane using an iPad or even using my phone to edit with iMovie.

These new skills broadened their understanding of what is possible in video editing and production, enabling them to adapt to various situations.

Understanding YouTube

Throughout the 30-day orbit, I gained an insight into the YouTube audience and algorithm. I learned how YouTube views work on my channel, and what it expects from both the creator and the content.

This knowledge will help guide their future content strategy and potentially improve the overall success of my channel.

Understanding the importance of consistency and maintaining content quality during a YouTube orbit is essential to avoid losing viewership and limiting channel growth.

Advice for Successful YouTube Orbit

1)Choose a Clear Schedule

When planning a YouTube Orbit, ensure that your personal schedule and calendar are not too busy. Having a clear and free calendar can help reduce stress and anxiety levels while working on daily video uploads.

2) Decide on the Format Early

One option to save time and stress is to pre-record all of your videos for the 30-day orbit. Instead of a day-in-the-life series, focus on uploading high-quality, pre-planned content each day. This approach helps maintain the quality and consistency of your videos.

3)Pre-make Thumbnails

Creating thumbnails for each video can be time-consuming, so having pre-made thumbnails or templates can save you time and stress when uploading. Consider creating all 30 thumbnails in advance or having a few backup templates ready.

4)Consider a Sponsor

To make the process financially worthwhile, think about getting a sponsor for your entire Orbit series. This ensures that you earn money regardless of your ad revenue or the popularity of the series.

5) Don’t Rely on Shorts

YouTube Orbit should consist of long-form content. Uploading short videos may not be enough to trigger the YouTube algorithm effectively. Aim for videos at least 4-5 minutes in length and avoid the temptation to upload shorts.

6) Post Videos at Consistent Times

To build trust and consistency with your audience, try to publish your videos at the same time every day. Check your YouTube analytics to determine the best time for you to upload content and stick to that schedule throughout your Orbit.

Conclusion and final thoughts 💭

Overall, it was a worthwhile experience and at times I really enjoyed it and at times it was hard.

But that’s life, right?

I will certanly be doing one again and maybe next time I’ll do a 90 day challenge. But this time I’ll be better prepared and informed.

Thanks to everyone who followed my YouTube orbit.

About the author

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