income report march 2021

Income Report for March 2021 – $8018 Passive Income

Here is my blogging income report ( Affiliate marketing ) it really should be called as a lot of my income comes from many places now not just my websites.

I hope by providing these very detailed income reports you can see what you’ll need to do to make similar amounts and how much time and work it took myself to achieve these numbers.

It in in no way an easy process and is certainly not a ‘ Get rich quick ‘ business.

Some people do find success faster than other, but for me it took 3.5 years to get to the point I’m at now.

And that’s working a full-time job for 3 years of that and then working 2 hours before work and 4 hours after work for 5-6 days a week, for 3 years.

Only, after 3 years was I able to quit my job and become a full-time blogger/affiliate marketer.

I hope you find some of the information either useful or inspiring in some ways.

I make these income reports because I know when I was first starting out building niche websites and chasing that passive income lifestyle I loved to read peoples income reports.

People like Spencer Haws and Pat Flynn was a big inspiration for me and I watched all their income reports!

Now, strangly I’m doing my own.

Weird how life changes within the space of 3.5 years! Crazy.

Anyway…. Enjoy!