income school

Chat Up Catch with Ricky from Income School

It’s been a few years since Ricky and Jim visited my home and a lot has changed for me and for Income School.

Jim has left the business to do his own websites and YouTube channel and Ricky has grown Income School even further and made it a huge success.

We had a chat about where my journey has taken me over the past 4 years and how much the industry has changed.

If you haven’t seen the first video where they visited my home I’ll leave a link here.

Watch that first and then watch the catch-up video after.

Enjoy the catch up!

If you would like to purchase and take the same course I did when I first started. The link is below.

The course has been updated many times since I took it and it’s now a huge course covering every topic possible including winning Snippets, SEO, and using YouTube to grow your business.

Here is my Project 24 course link ( Affiliate link ) See prices here!

First Video

Latest Catch Up Video