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SortioX Review 2024: Essential Tool for Amazon Influencers




Sortiox Review

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases

I’d like to introduce you to SortioX, a tool that has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, significantly enhancing the efficiency of my product selection process and helping to boost my Amazon influencer commissions.

Throughout my experience, SortioX has proven to be a cost-effective solution when compared to other available tools in the market.

✅ In the following walkthrough, I’ll demonstrate the features of SortioX and how they can be leveraged to not only identify winning products but also to track and optimize your earnings as an Amazon influencer.

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The Importance of Lower Carousels

Before we begin, I’d like to share something that might not be immediately apparent. In fact, it’s a bit unexpected.

👉 SortioX now indicates the presence of upper, lower carousels, or both. This feature is valuable because even if the upper carousel is full and items sell well, creating a video for the lower carousel can still yield considerable revenue.

You can see it here.

At first, I was concerned about the upper carousel being full, but then I discovered the value of the lower carousels.

💰 They’re a hidden goldmine, contributing significantly to my income. So, embrace the lower carousels and watch your earnings grow!

See what SortioX is showing: “U & L” means both upper and lower carousels are available for videos. But even if you only see “L,” it’s all good. There’s still earning potential.

Finding the Right Products

🔍 Get SortioX here

Product Requirements

To successfully participate in the Amazon Influencer Program, the products selected must fulfill several criteria:

  • Availability of Video Slot: The product must have a video slot open in the upper carousel of the product page.
  • Low Competition: Ideally, the product should have minimal to no competition, giving me a better chance of standing out.
  • High Sales Volume: The product should have a proven track record of sales, indicating consumer demand.
  • Positive Reviews: A good review score implies quality and can influence purchase decisions.
Video SlotMust be available in the upper carousel
CompetitionShould have none to low competition
Sales VolumeHigh sales are preferable
Customer ReviewsPreferably high (indicative of customer approval)

Initial Product Research

For product research, I rely on a tool called SortioX. This tool saves time and enhances the efficiency of the process.

Here’s how I use it:

  • Tracking Conversions: It helps track conversion rates of the products I’m endorsing.
  • Product Filtering: I filter products based on my needs, such as removing irrelevant data points to simplify my search.
  • Identifying Video Slots: SortioX displays whether a product has available video slots and how many there are.
  • Commission Insight: The tool provides data on potential commissions per sale, influencing my product choice.

By using a targeted approach, I streamline the selection process and focus my efforts on potential money-makers.

SortioX Tool Overview

Daily Usage and Benefits

As an active user of the SortioX tool in the Amazon influencer program, I’ve found it indispensable for my daily routine.

Here are the key benefits I’ve experienced:

  • Efficient Product Selection: With SortioX, I can quickly identify products that meet my specific needs, such as those with available video slots in the upper carousel—a vital aspect for visibility on Amazon.
  • Enhanced Competition Analysis: SortioX helps me check for competition on desired products, ensuring I invest in items that are more likely to generate commissions.
  • Sales and Review Insights: The tool provides invaluable data on product sales volume and customer reviews, allowing me to choose products that are not only popular but also well-received.

Tool Features for Product Research

Product research is streamlined with SortioX thanks to its robust features:

  • Video Opportunity Indicators: It clearly displays whether a product has a video carousel available, enabling me to prioritize products with the best chances for visibility.
  • Customized Data Filters: I can customize the dashboard to display only relevant data points, decluttering my view and focusing on the most actionable information.
  • Performance Tracking: With features that track conversions, I can see the direct impact of my efforts within the Amazon platform.
Video Carousel AvailabilityQuick identification of products with upper and lower video slots
Conversion TrackingMonitoring of sales and profits directly linked to my videos
Real-Time Data FilteringAdjustment of visible metrics to tailor my product research needs

Affiliate Disclosure

I want to be transparent about my affiliation with SortioX. As an affiliate, I do earn a commission if you decide to purchase the tool using my link here.

However, I can assure you that my endorsement comes from genuine personal experience and success with the tool.

Below, you’ll find proof of my active subscription and daily utilization of SortioX:

  • Honest Recommendation: I only recommend tools that I personally use and find valuable, ensuring you get honest insights and advice.
  • Profit Assurance: I am confident in claiming that using SortioX can increase your profits, as it has mine. It’s a cost-effective investment that pays for itself in the increased commissions one can earn.

Enhancing Amazon Influencer Commissions

Conversion Tracking

When participating in the Amazon Influencer Program, tracking conversions is essential for success in sales and marketing.

By actively monitoring conversions, you gain invaluable insights into the performance of the products you feature. This allows you to adjust your strategies, ensuring that your efforts are aligned with the most profitable outcomes.

Conversions act as a clear indicator of how effectively your content translates into sales, making it a pivotal aspect of growth.

Example Demonstration

In my experience, using a tool like SortioX has simplified the process of pinpointing products with video opportunities in the carousel.

For instance, selecting a sewing machine on Amazon with a video slot opens up a viable avenue for commission. An item with an upper placement in the carousel, a star rating above 4, and multiple video slots indicates a high potential for earning.

Moreover, the tool’s ability to predict offsite commissions, such as those from YouTube videos, further equips you with the understanding of different revenue streams.

Filtering Products

An essential aspect of using SortioX is the feature that allows you to filter products to match your criteria. Parameters like price range, minimum customer reviews, and sales quantity can be fine-tuned to yield a manageable list of potential items.

If, for example, you’re budget-conscious, setting a maximum of $50 will filter accordingly. Additionally, it’s critical to prioritize items with a significant sales volume, as a high sales frequency directly correlates to the likelihood of earning commissions.

Assessing Opportunities

Thoroughly assessing opportunities is a step I never skip. By observing the number of available video slots, ratings, review counts, and sales per month, you can identify which products present the most fruitful opportunities.

With SortioX, I seek products that move at least 500 units per month and have at least one video slot.

Assessing opportunities also involves comparing products to discern which offer both upper and lower carousels and multiple video slots, ultimately enhancing the chances of a successful commission.

Detailed SortioX Walkthrough

Demonstrating Niche Selection

Upon deciding on a purchase, such as a sewing machine, identifying one with an available video slot in the upper Carousel on Amazon is crucial. I aim for products with both a need in my life and the potential for profit. Take the sewing niche as an example.

Here, SortioX displays boxes indicating the status of video slots, directly influencing the likelihood of earning commissions.

Analyzing Video Slots and Ratings

SortioX not only verifies available video slots but also offers information filtering. By collapsing the data you don’t need, you simplify your view.

I focused on a product featuring five potential video slots, emphasizing its strong selling point. The tool exemplifies its usefulness by presenting a straightforward comparison between products with no opportunity and those with promising slot availability.

In my use, SortioX clearly marks items with an upper and lower Carousel available, alongside two video slots, indicating a 2% commission on each qualifying purchase.

Understanding Commission Rates

Commission is a significant motivator in selection. SortioX presents the commission data for each product, such as a 2.25% commission translating to $382 for a specific sewing machine after a customer purchases through my video.

It also details offsite commissions—for instance, making a YouTube video about a product can yield a 4.5% commission, potentially $765 per sale. This granular commission breakdown streamlines my strategy for maximizing earnings.

Using the tool, I ascertain that a product not only suits my budget but also ensures a substantial quantity of units sold, critical for higher commission potential.

Advanced Research Features

Setting Specific Filters

When identifying products for the Amazon influencer program, it’s crucial to pinpoint items with certain criteria.

I personally utilize an effective approach to filter these products quickly, ensuring they have video slots available in the Amazon carousel, minimal competition, ample sales, and positive reviews.

By filtering the data, I can streamline the selection process:

  • Video Slot Availability: I look for products with available video slots, signaling a chance to feature my content.
  • Competition: I avoid items with high competition for video placement.
  • Sales Volume: Products must show a substantial number of sales to indicate market demand.
  • Customer Reviews: I focus on items with high star ratings, reflecting customer satisfaction.

An efficient way I manage these parameters is through custom filters, which allow me to swiftly exclude irrelevant statistics.

For instance, by customizing the filters, I can ignore stock levels or ratings if they are not my current priority. This results in a more condensed and relevant dataset for my review.

Sorting Results for Optimal Choices

After setting the right filters, sorting through the search results strategically is an essential step in my workflow.

I emphasize two main sorting criteria to find the most promising products:

  1. Sales Rank: Sorting by sales volume is vital, as it helps prioritize products that sell the most, thereby expanding the possibility of high commissions.
  2. Video Slot Potential: I look for products with multiple video slots indicating more significant potential to be featured and earn.

Additionally, I make use of a feature that presents a bar chart, enabling me to delve deeper into specific requirements.

Here’s how I set my detailed filters:

  • Price Range: I might set a budget limit, such as a maximum price of $50.
  • Customer Reviews: I could filter for products with a minimum number of customer reviews if I’m targeting popular items.
  • Sales Quantity: I always filter by sales, often setting a threshold like a minimum of 500 units sold per month.
  • Video Slot Availability: Ensuring product listings have at least one or more video slots is important for visibility.

Once filtered, I use these criteria to analyze the offerings. I then select the products that stand out, such as those with an ideal combination of a high sales rank, excellent customer ratings, and sufficient video slots – elements that collectively suggest a prime opportunity for generating commissions.

Concluding Recommendations

As an active participant in the Amazon Influencer Program, I’ve gathered significant experience in product selection to optimize my storefront.

Based on my daily usage and results, SortioX is my tool of choice—it stands out as both cost-effective and powerful.

Here’s a quick summary to enhance your Amazon influencer commissions using SortioX:

  • Product Selection: Target products with available video slots in the upper carousel. Make sure these have little to no competition and a sufficient sales volume to ensure visibility.
  • Quality Assessment: Prioritize items with high star ratings, indicating both good sales and favorable customer reviews. My daily routine includes using SortioX to quickly identify these products.
  • Use Data to Your Advantage: Employ the filtering capabilities of SortioX to distill down to the most promising products. For example, I often set filters for items with at least 500 units sold per month and at least one available video slot.
  • Track and Optimize: Regularly track your conversions to understand the effectiveness of your product videos. SortioX offers features for this which I find invaluable for adjusting strategies.
  • Increased Commissions: Lever through the commission data provided by SortioX for various products and focus on those with higher rates, like using off-site platforms such as YouTube for an additional revenue stream.
  • Regular Updates: Keep revisiting the tool for updated opportunities. The market fluctuates regularly, and SortioX helps stay on top of these changes.

In summary, leveraging SortioX not only guides me to the best products with earning potential but also simplifies the tracking of my efforts, substantially growing my earnings within the Amazon Influencer Program.

I trust and use this tool because it delivers consistent value and I firmly believe it can do the same for you.

Amazon Influencer Program Community & Course

Also if you’re serious about succeeding in the Amazon Influencer Program, consider joining my private community called Side Hustle Insider here.

Wondering what’s in it for you?

  • Unlock the secrets of generating steady commissions through engaging reviews of Amazon products in clear, concise videos.
  • Bid farewell to the hassles of SEO, paid ads, website creation, cold outreach, brand building, product creation, shipping intricacies, and client handling.
  • Stay updated with our latest webinars!
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